10-01 Call your quarters or other unit (specify)
10-02 Return to quarters
10-03 Call the dispatcher by telephone
10-04 Acknowledgment
10-05 Repeat message
10-06 Stand by
10-07 Verify address/location
10-08 In-service by radio
CODE 1: Used only by Division or Battalion to indicate it is in-service by radio when leaving a quarters other than its own at which it had been off the air and to which its alarms had been routed
CODE 2: Used by any unit to indicate it is on the air outside its response area. When the unit returns to its response area, the dispatcher must be notified again using 10-8
10-09 Off the air
10-10 Unit location
10-11 Radio test count (one to eleven)
10-12 Preliminary report
10-14 Roster staffed engine company (one officer & four firefighters)
10-18 Return all units except 1 engine AND 1 ladder
10-19 Return all units except 1 engine OR 1 ladder
10-20 Proceed at reduced speed
10-21 Brush fire
10-22 Outside rubbish fire
10-23 Abandoned/derelict vehicle fire (ADV)
10-24 Auto fire
10-25 Manhole or transformer fire or emergency
CODE 1 - Fire extended into building
CODE 2 - One or multiple covers blown or smoke issuing under pressure
CODE 3 - Smoke seeping from cover
CODE 4 - Fire or smoke condition from a transformer at any location (pole, vault, room, etc)
(Utility company will dispatch an emergency crew immediately on receipt of a Code 1 or 4)
NO CODE - All others
10-26 Food on stove
10-27 Compactor or incinerator fire (no extension)
10-28 Subway/railroad fire, smoke or emergency (non-medical)
CODE 1 - Structural fire
CODE 2 - Non-structural fire (train fire, rubbish on tracks, etc)
CODE 3 - Emergency (non-medical)
CODE 4 - Request for power removal
CODE 5 - Confirmed power turned off
NO CODE - All others
10-31 Assist civilian (non-medical)
10-32 Defective oil burner (no extension)
10-33 Odor condition
CODE 1 - Caused by nearby working fire, BBQ's, salamanders, etc.
CODE 2 - Any other type odor
10-34 Sprinkler system emergency
CODE 1 - Defective sprinkler device or system (valve, pipe, etc)
CODE 2 - Unnecessary alarm (non-defective)
CODE 3 - Non-fire activated (other heat source)
10-35 Unwarranted alarm system activation
CODE 1 - Alarm system testing or servicing
CODE 2 - Construction activities
CODE 3 - Ordinary household activities (toast, steam, etc)
CODE 4 - Other known cause (unauthorized smoking, etc) - requires NYFIRS report w/relevant particulars
NO CODE - Caused by defective alarm system
10-36 Vehicle accident or emergency
CODE 1 - Requiring washdown
CODE 2 - Accident - no injuries or washdown
CODE 3 - Accident with injuries
CODE 4 - Accident requiring extrication
NO CODE - All others
10-37 Medical assignment not associated with fire operations
CODE 1 - Victim deceased
CODE 2 - Victim not breathing and requires resuscitation or may be suffering from a serious, apparently life threatening injury or illness
CODE 3 - Victim is breathing and suffering from a non-serious and apparently not life threatening injury or illness
CODE 4 - Medical assignment where the unit is 10-84, has no patient contact and EMS is on scene
NO CODE - All others
10-38 Carbon monoxide response
CODE 1 - Detector activation: Investigation
CODE 2 - Detector activation: Incident - CO readings 1-9 PPM
CODE 3 - Detector activation: Emergency - CO readings > 9 PPM
CODE 4 - No detector activation during incident or emergency (no detector present or did not activate)
10-39 FD Standing by at interagency incident (suspicious package, etc)
10-40 Utility emergency
CODE 1 - Gas Emergency (leak, defective appliance, etc)
CODE 2 - Electric Emergency (wires down, sparking fixture, etc)
CODE 3 - Water Condition (any type of leak or flooding condition)
CODE 4 - Steam Leak (any type of leak)
10-41 Suspicious fire
CODE 1 - Occupied structure or vehicle
CODE 2 - Unoccupied structure
CODE 3 - Unoccupied vehicle
CODE 4 - Vacant structure or structure not intended for dwelling (if squatters use Code 1)
10-44 Request for ambulance
10-45 Civilan DOA or serious fire related injury (use mixer off for injured firefighter)
CODE 1 - Victim deceased (Black Tag)
CODE 2 - Life threatening serious injury (Red/Orange Tag)
CODE 3 - Non-life threatening serious injury (Yellow Tag)
CODE 4 - Non-serious injury/ambulatory (Green Tag)
NO CODE - Stand by for patient condition (Incident Commander will consult with EMS)
10-47 Request police (specify crowd, traffic, security, apprehension)
10-48 Request police forthwith for harassment
10-50 Generic notification
10-51 Suspension of outside activities
10-60 Major emergency (Bldg. collapse, train wreck, non-airport plane crash, etc.)
CODE 1 - Enhanced technical rescue resources required
CODE 2 - Enhanced technical rescue resources required - Large Scale (2nd alarm matrix assignment)
NO CODE - Initial matrix assignment
10-66 Missing, lost, trapped or seriously injured member and additional resources are required (transmission of the next higher alarm plus the matrix assignment)
10-70 Water supply relay required
(advise the second due engine they are designated as "water resource unit")
10-75 Notification of a Fire or Emergency
(Response of 4 engines, 2 ladders, 2 BCs, Rescue, Squad, 1 FAST Truck)
10-76 Notification of a Fire in a High-Rise Bldg (Commercial or U/G)
(Response of 4 Engines, 4 Ladders, 4 BCs, 1 DC, 1 Rescue, 1, Squad, Safety Op's BC, Rescue Op's BC, Safety Officer (5th BC), 1 FAST Truck, 1 CFR-D Engine, 1 (E) Lobby Control Unit, 1 (E) Comm Unit, 1 Field Comm Unit, 1 Mask Service Unit, 1 Hi-Rise Unit w/ (E), Tactical Support Unit, RAC unit, 1 Public Information Officer & EMS Resources)
10-77 Notification of a Fire in a Hi-Rise OMD [occupied multiple dwelling]
(4 Engines, 4 Ladders, 3 BC, 1 DC, 1 Rescue,1 Squad, Safety Op's BC, Rescue Op's BC, 1 Safety Officer (4th BC), 1 FAST Unit, 1 CFR-D Engine, 1 Ventilation Support Unit , Field Comm Unit & EMS Resources. (Add 1 Hi-Rise Nozzle Engine IF none of the initial Engines have HRN)
10-80 Haz-Mat incident
CODE 1 - Incident that requires resources not carried by regular field units to mitigate a spill or release that requires specialized training, equipment, and/or PPE. (Matrix Assignment - No contamination to responders or civilians)
CODE 2 - Incident involves a spill or release with 4 or less contaminated civilians or responders and requires Haz-Mat resources for possible rescue, mitigation and decontamination. (Matrix Assignment)
CODE 3 - Mass Decontamination incident where 5 or more civilians or responders are contaminated and additional department resources are needed above the Code 2 level. (Matrix)
CODE 4 - Mass Decontamination Response Requiring Mass Decon Task Forces (MDTF) to decontaminate a large number of victims as quickly as possible. (Matrix Assignment)
NO CODE – Controlled by on-scene units and requires no additional resources
10-84 First unit to arrive at box (preliminary report within 5 minutes)
10-85 Fire Marshal requests Police assistance
(specify reason and whether Fire Marshal is armed and in plain clothes)
10-86 Flouroprotein Foam Operations (special assignment)
10-87 High Expansion Foam Operations (special assignment)
10-88 Control of fire
CODE 1 - Doubtful will hold
CODE 2 - Probably will hold
CODE 3 - Will hold
CODE 4 - Under control
10-91 Medical emergency EMS, fire unit not required
10-92 Malicious false alarm
10-99 Units will operate over 30 minutes (specify reason)
a code I need is to be a cop